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  • Be Knowledgeable About Cyber-safety Tips
    Every day we tend to spend our time scrolling through our devices, but how can we assure that we are on the safe spot and website. Cyber security comprises an evolving set of tools such as risk management approaches, technologies, networks, programs, and data that attacks from unauthorized access.
    Be Knowledgeable About Cyber-safety Tips Nextg
    Nextg on Sunday, November 12, 2023
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    5G Network [31]

    It is very dangerous if were not literate on what broadband we use. Are they implementing safety and assurance that our files and data are safe? However, we can be knowledgeable about the proper way to secure our broadband and browsing to the internet.

    Advantages of having Security in broadband

    Builds Trust: it boosts trust towards your client and consumer confidence that they're protected, and it gives your business a good reputation and legal fallout of a security breach.

    Mitigates Risk: It will help your business stay compliant with business and government regulations. That minimizes the business and financial impact.

    Protects proprietary information: ensures the protection of both parties, the customer and your business. It covers the information and data shared across the network.

    Enables a more modern workplace: if you have a business, you need to allow your employees to your network and work securely from any location using VPN to encourage them to collaborate with secure network access.

    Different kinds of internet security risks

    There are a lot of threats that we can encounter on browsing on the internet, here are some threats that you might know:

    -Phishing: This is created by cybercriminals who tried to solicit your private information by sending a link to verify details like in any account that you have including the passwords. They can also access your bank accounts and some private documents that you save in any social media accounts that you have.

    -Botnet: This are the private computers that can infected with malicious software, controlled by a single user. They tend to send spam messages thru email, social media accounts and via text messages. 

    -Spam: These are the unwanted messages in your email inbox. You can see it on junk mail that advertise their goods and services that you aren't interested. Spam is harmless but once you click the link that they send, there's an instance some can included that will install malicious software on your device. 

    -Computer worm: It copies all the private files that you have, its not required human interaction computer worm copy itself and spread rapidly in great volume.

    -Malware (malicious software): Your device can have viruses, worms, trojans and a spyware. That possible affect your private information.

    Habits to stay Cyber- Safe

    As we grow more dependent upon technology, we need to develop better online security defenses. These eight habits will help you to recognize and counter threats to your digital safety and become less vulnerable to cyberattacks.

    1.Think twice before clicking on links or open attachments

    2.Verify Request for private information

    3.Protect your passwords

    4.Protect your stuff

    5.Keep your devices, browsers, and apps up to date.

    6.Back up critical files

    7.Delete sensitive information when it's no longer needed

    8.If its suspicious report it.

    Types of Cybercrime

    oCrypto-jacking- It hacks cryptocurrency using resources they do not own.

    oEmail and internet fraud- It is usually found on spam emails that you don't know where it is from,

    oRansomware attacks - It's about sensitive information about you and threatening to share or infect your system with a virus.

    oFinancial or card payment data theft - This is talk about our online banking, E-wallet, and other financial data that we access.

    oIdentity Fraud - Your personal information gets stolen by other people and tends to use in any criminal activities.

    Choosing a better broadband is easier than securing it, there's a lot of threats and cybercrime because of the technology and development that we have. We need to secure first the safety and precaution on browsing on internet. Choose broadband that can have those features.

    For more details about safety and choosing better broadband, you can visit our website at https://www.nextelle.com.au.

    #Cybersafety #ceybersecurity #tips #NextelleWireless

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